$Id: README,v 1.28 2007/08/12 00:56:10 rocky Exp $ This directory contains some simple examples of the use of the libcdio library. One might also possibly find useful C code among the regression tests (directory test), e.g. testbincue.c, testdefault.c, testiso9660.c, testparanoia.c, or testtoc.c Larger more-complicated examples are the cd-drive, cd-info, cd-read, cdda-player, iso-info and iso-read programs in the src directory. And going further there's the cd-paranoia program (in src/cd-paranoia), and "real-world' code in the xine VCD plugin, or the vlc CD-DA plugin which are part of those distributions. Descriptions of the programs in this example directory are as follows... audio.c: Sample program to show audio controls. cdchange.c: A program to test if a CD has been changed since the last change test. cdio-eject.c: a stripped-down "eject" command to open or close a CDROM tray cdtext.c: A program to show CD-Text and CD disc mode info. drives.c: A program to show drivers installed and what the default CD-ROM drive is and what CD drives are available. eject.c: A program eject a CD from a CD-ROM drive and then close the door again. isofile.c: A program to show using libiso9660 to extract a file from an ISO-9660 image. isofile2.c: A program to show using libiso9660 to extract a file from a CDRWIN cue/bin CD image. isofuzzy.c : A program showing fuzzy ISO-9660 detection/reading. isolist.c: A program to show using libiso9660 to list files in a directory of an ISO-9660 image and give basic iso9660 information. isolsn.c: A program to show using libiso9660 to get the file path for a given LSN. mmc1.c: A program to show issuing a simple MMC command (INQUIRY). mmc2.c: A more involved MMC command to list features from a MMC GET_CONFIGURATION command. mmc2a.c: Show MODE_SENSE page 2A paramaters: CD/DVD Capabilities and Mechanical Status Page paranoia: A program to show using CD-DA paranoia (a library for jitter detection and audio-read error correction). This program uses an interface compatible (mostly) with cdparanoia. paranoia2: Another program to show using CD-DA paranoia using a more libcdio-oriented initialization. Probably more suited to things that otherwise use libcdio such as media players (e.g. for getting CDDB or CD-Text info) sample2.c: A simple program to show drivers installed and what the default CD-ROM drive is. sample3.c: A simple program to show the use of cdio_guess_cd_type(). Figure out the kind of CD image we've got. sample4.c: A slightly improved sample3 program: we handle cdio logging and take an optional CD-location. tracks.c: A program to list track numbers and logical sector numbers of a Compact Disc using libcdio. udf1.c: A program to show using libudf to list files in a directory of an UDF image. udf2.c: A program to show using libudf to extract a file from an UDF image. Many of the above programs can be compiled in C++. See that directory for C++ examples which include some of the above.