Class TJ

  extended by org.libjpegturbo.turbojpeg.TJ

public final class TJ
extends java.lang.Object

TurboJPEG utility class (cannot be instantiated)

Field Summary
static int FLAG_BOTTOMUP
          The uncompressed source/destination image is stored in bottom-up (Windows, OpenGL) order, not top-down (X11) order.
          Use fast, inaccurate chrominance upsampling routines in the JPEG decompressor (libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo versions only.)
static int FLAG_FORCEMMX
          Turn off CPU auto-detection and force TurboJPEG to use MMX code (IPP and 32-bit libjpeg-turbo versions only.)
static int FLAG_FORCESSE
          Turn off CPU auto-detection and force TurboJPEG to use SSE code (32-bit IPP and 32-bit libjpeg-turbo versions only.)
static int FLAG_FORCESSE2
          Turn off CPU auto-detection and force TurboJPEG to use SSE2 code (32-bit IPP and 32-bit libjpeg-turbo versions only.)
static int FLAG_FORCESSE3
          Turn off CPU auto-detection and force TurboJPEG to use SSE3 code (64-bit IPP version only.)
static int NUMPF
          The number of pixel formats
static int NUMSAMP
          The number of chrominance subsampling options
static int PF_ABGR
          ABGR pixel format.
static int PF_ARGB
          ARGB pixel format.
static int PF_BGR
          BGR pixel format.
static int PF_BGRA
          BGRA pixel format.
static int PF_BGRX
          BGRX pixel format.
static int PF_GRAY
          Grayscale pixel format.
static int PF_RGB
          RGB pixel format.
static int PF_RGBA
          RGBA pixel format.
static int PF_RGBX
          RGBX pixel format.
static int PF_XBGR
          XBGR pixel format.
static int PF_XRGB
          XRGB pixel format.
static int SAMP_420
          4:2:0 chrominance subsampling.
static int SAMP_422
          4:2:2 chrominance subsampling.
static int SAMP_440
          4:4:0 chrominance subsampling.
static int SAMP_444
          4:4:4 chrominance subsampling (no chrominance subsampling).
static int SAMP_GRAY
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static int bufSize(int width, int height, int jpegSubsamp)
          Returns the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a JPEG image with the given width and height, and level of chrominance subsampling.
static int bufSizeYUV(int width, int height, int subsamp)
          Returns the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV planar image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling.
static int getBlueOffset(int pixelFormat)
          For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the blue component is offset from the start of the pixel.
static int getGreenOffset(int pixelFormat)
          For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the green component is offset from the start of the pixel.
static int getMCUHeight(int subsamp)
          Returns the MCU block height for the given level of chrominance subsampling.
static int getMCUWidth(int subsamp)
          Returns the MCU block width for the given level of chrominance subsampling.
static int getPixelSize(int pixelFormat)
          Returns the pixel size (in bytes) of the given pixel format.
static int getRedOffset(int pixelFormat)
          For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the red component is offset from the start of the pixel.
static TJScalingFactor[] getScalingFactors()
          Returns a list of fractional scaling factors that the JPEG decompressor in this implementation of TurboJPEG supports.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NUMSAMP
The number of chrominance subsampling options

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SAMP_444
4:4:4 chrominance subsampling (no chrominance subsampling). The JPEG or YUV image will contain one chrominance component for every pixel in the source image.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SAMP_422
4:2:2 chrominance subsampling. The JPEG or YUV image will contain one chrominance component for every 2x1 block of pixels in the source image.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SAMP_420
4:2:0 chrominance subsampling. The JPEG or YUV image will contain one chrominance component for every 2x2 block of pixels in the source image.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SAMP_GRAY
Grayscale. The JPEG or YUV image will contain no chrominance components.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SAMP_440
4:4:0 chrominance subsampling. The JPEG or YUV image will contain one chrominance component for every 1x2 block of pixels in the source image.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NUMPF
The number of pixel formats

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_RGB
RGB pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 3-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from lowest to highest byte address within each pixel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_BGR
BGR pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 3-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from lowest to highest byte address within each pixel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_RGBX
RGBX pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 4-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from lowest to highest byte address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing and undefined when decompressing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_BGRX
BGRX pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 4-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from lowest to highest byte address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing and undefined when decompressing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_XBGR
XBGR pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 4-byte pixels in the order R, G, B from highest to lowest byte address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing and undefined when decompressing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_XRGB
XRGB pixel format. The red, green, and blue components in the image are stored in 4-byte pixels in the order B, G, R from highest to lowest byte address within each pixel. The X component is ignored when compressing and undefined when decompressing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_GRAY
Grayscale pixel format. Each 1-byte pixel represents a luminance (brightness) level from 0 to 255.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_RGBA
RGBA pixel format. This is the same as PF_RGBX, except that when decompressing, the X byte is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be interpreted as an opaque alpha channel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_BGRA
BGRA pixel format. This is the same as PF_BGRX, except that when decompressing, the X byte is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be interpreted as an opaque alpha channel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_ABGR
ABGR pixel format. This is the same as PF_XBGR, except that when decompressing, the X byte is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be interpreted as an opaque alpha channel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PF_ARGB
ARGB pixel format. This is the same as PF_XRGB, except that when decompressing, the X byte is guaranteed to be 0xFF, which can be interpreted as an opaque alpha channel.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FLAG_BOTTOMUP
The uncompressed source/destination image is stored in bottom-up (Windows, OpenGL) order, not top-down (X11) order.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FLAG_FORCEMMX
Turn off CPU auto-detection and force TurboJPEG to use MMX code (IPP and 32-bit libjpeg-turbo versions only.)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FLAG_FORCESSE
Turn off CPU auto-detection and force TurboJPEG to use SSE code (32-bit IPP and 32-bit libjpeg-turbo versions only.)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FLAG_FORCESSE2
Turn off CPU auto-detection and force TurboJPEG to use SSE2 code (32-bit IPP and 32-bit libjpeg-turbo versions only.)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FLAG_FORCESSE3
Turn off CPU auto-detection and force TurboJPEG to use SSE3 code (64-bit IPP version only.)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FLAG_FASTUPSAMPLE
Use fast, inaccurate chrominance upsampling routines in the JPEG decompressor (libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo versions only.)

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public TJ()
Method Detail


public static int getMCUWidth(int subsamp)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the MCU block width for the given level of chrominance subsampling.

subsamp - the level of chrominance subsampling (one of SAMP_*)
the MCU block width for the given level of chrominance subsampling


public static int getMCUHeight(int subsamp)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the MCU block height for the given level of chrominance subsampling.

subsamp - the level of chrominance subsampling (one of SAMP_*)
the MCU block height for the given level of chrominance subsampling


public static int getPixelSize(int pixelFormat)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the pixel size (in bytes) of the given pixel format.

pixelFormat - the pixel format (one of PF_*)
the pixel size (in bytes) of the given pixel format


public static int getRedOffset(int pixelFormat)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the red component is offset from the start of the pixel. For instance, if a pixel of format TJ.PF_BGRX is stored in char pixel[], then the red component will be pixel[TJ.getRedOffset(TJ.PF_BGRX)].

pixelFormat - the pixel format (one of PF_*)
the red offset for the given pixel format


public static int getGreenOffset(int pixelFormat)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the green component is offset from the start of the pixel. For instance, if a pixel of format TJ.PF_BGRX is stored in char pixel[], then the green component will be pixel[TJ.getGreenOffset(TJ.PF_BGRX)].

pixelFormat - the pixel format (one of PF_*)
the green offset for the given pixel format


public static int getBlueOffset(int pixelFormat)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
For the given pixel format, returns the number of bytes that the blue component is offset from the start of the pixel. For instance, if a pixel of format TJ.PF_BGRX is stored in char pixel[], then the blue component will be pixel[TJ.getBlueOffset(TJ.PF_BGRX)].

pixelFormat - the pixel format (one of PF_*)
the blue offset for the given pixel format


public static int bufSize(int width,
                          int height,
                          int jpegSubsamp)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a JPEG image with the given width and height, and level of chrominance subsampling.

width - the width (in pixels) of the JPEG image
height - the height (in pixels) of the JPEG image
jpegSubsamp - the level of chrominance subsampling to be used when generating the JPEG image (one of TJ.SAMP_*)
the maximum size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a JPEG image with the given width and height, and level of chrominance subsampling


public static int bufSizeYUV(int width,
                             int height,
                             int subsamp)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV planar image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling.

width - the width (in pixels) of the YUV image
height - the height (in pixels) of the YUV image
subsamp - the level of chrominance subsampling used in the YUV image (one of TJ.SAMP_*)
the size of the buffer (in bytes) required to hold a YUV planar image with the given width, height, and level of chrominance subsampling


public static TJScalingFactor[] getScalingFactors()
                                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns a list of fractional scaling factors that the JPEG decompressor in this implementation of TurboJPEG supports.

a list of fractional scaling factors that the JPEG decompressor in this implementation of TurboJPEG supports