TODO : *New Bank Switching implementation for remappable componenets *Optimise reSID? *Fastforward, Rewind. *Length detection *What functions are required on the interface for other applications *MOS6510: Remove opcodes to individual files to support optimised versions. I have these in asm already, but was written in BorlandC. This way a C functon will be used if an asm is not present. *Possibly provide a wds sync output for stereoplayer. These helps external players which support this to sync properly to the music, there are some that use non-real time. Needs stereosidplayer v10.3 being ripped . If anyone knows anything about the C64s stereosidplayers internals could they contact *Add 24 bit support. *Quad sids. *Provide a C interface to the library. *VIC. Possibility for more support.