using System; using System.Xml; namespace TeamXBMC.TranslatorCore { /// /// Represent a single string of a language file /// public class StringItem : IComparable { /// /// The delegate is called to notify that a StringItem has changed /// public delegate void StringUpdatedDelegate(StringItem item); private long id=0; private string text=""; public event StringUpdatedDelegate stringUpdated=null; #region Constructors public StringItem() { } public StringItem(StringItem right) {; Text=right.Text; } #endregion #region Properties /// /// Get the id of the StingItem /// public long Id { get { return id; } } /// /// Get the value of the StingItem /// public string Text { get { return text; } set { text=value; if (stringUpdated!=null) { stringUpdated(this); } } } #endregion #region IComparable Members public int CompareTo(object obj) { StringItem right=(StringItem)obj; return Convert.ToInt32(Id)-Convert.ToInt32(right.Id); } #endregion #region Xml Io /// /// Load a single StringItem from a XmlElement /// public void LoadFromXml(XmlElement element) { if (element.Attributes.Count==1) { // new language file layout with id as attribute id=Convert.ToInt32(element.GetAttribute("id")); text=element.InnerText; } else { // old language file layout with nodes for ids and values id=Convert.ToInt32(element.SelectSingleNode("id").InnerText); text=element.SelectSingleNode("value").InnerText; } // Replace \n and \r with the visible newline char ¶ to make it editable if (Text.IndexOf("\r\n")>-1) text=text.Replace("\r\n", "¶"); else if (Text.IndexOf("\n")>-1) text=text.Replace("\n", "¶"); else if (Text.IndexOf("\r")>-1) text=text.Replace("\r", "¶"); } /// /// Save a single StringItem to a XmlElement /// public void SaveToXml(ref XmlElement element) { element.SetAttribute("id", Id.ToString()); element.InnerText=Text; // Replace the visible newline char ¶ with \n for saving if (element.InnerText.IndexOf("¶")>-1) element.InnerText=element.InnerText.Replace("¶", "\n"); } #endregion } }