; spyce.nsi ; Spyce Installer (NSIS script) ;##################################### ;VERSION !define VERSION 1.3.13 !define RELEASE 1 ;##################################### ;DEFINES !define NAME Spyce !define NAME_SMALL spyce !define Desc "Spyce - Python Server Pages" !define REG_PROG "SOFTWARE\${NAME}" !define REG_UNINST "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${NAME}" !define PYTHON "python.exe" !define REG_PYTHONLOC "${REG_PROG}" !define COMPILE 1 ;##################################### ;OPTIONS OutFile "${NAME_SMALL}-${VERSION}.exe" InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\${NAME_SMALL} InstallDirRegKey HKLM ${REG_PROG} "location" Name "${NAME}" Caption "${NAME} Windows Installer" UninstallCaption "${NAME} Windows Uninstaller" DirText "${NAME} Windows Installer" ComponentText "${NAME} Windows Installer" CompletedText "${NAME} Windows Installer is finished" UninstallText "${NAME} Windows Uninstaller" BrandingText " " CRCCheck on AutoCloseWindow true EnabledBitmap misc/one-check.bmp DisabledBitmap misc/one-nocheck.bmp ShowInstDetails show ShowUninstDetails show ;BGGradient SilentUnInstall silent Icon misc\pics\spyce-border.ico ; MUST contain a 32x32x16 color icon UninstallIcon misc\pics\spyce-border.ico WindowIcon on SetOverwrite on SetCompress auto SetDatablockOptimize on SetDateSave off ;##################################### ;SECTIONS Section "${NAME} engine" ReadRegStr $9 HKLM ${REG_PYTHONLOC} "python" SetOutPath $INSTDIR ; create and register uninstaller WriteUninstaller "uninstall.exe" WriteRegStr HKLM ${REG_PROG} "location" "$INSTDIR" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINST}" "DisplayName" "${NAME}: ${DESC} (remove only)" WriteRegStr HKLM "${REG_UNINST}" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"' ; copy spyce engine files File *.py File CHANGES LICENCE README THANKS spyceApache.conf spyce.conf.eg misc\pics\spyce.ico spyce.mime SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\modules" File modules\*.py SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\tags" File tags\*.py SetOutPath - ; pre-compile the sources !ifdef COMPILE DetailPrint "Compile Spyce sources." ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\spyceParser.py"` ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--py=$INSTDIR"` ;ExecWait `"$9" -OO "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--py=$INSTDIR"` ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--py=$INSTDIR\modules"` ;ExecWait `"$9" -OO "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--py=$INSTDIR\modules"` ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--py=$INSTDIR\tags"` ;ExecWait `"$9" -OO "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--py=$INSTDIR\tags"` !endif SectionEnd Section "${NAME} documentation" SectionIn RO ReadRegStr $9 HKLM ${REG_PYTHONLOC} "python" ; copy Spyce documentation files SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\docs" File docs\*.spy docs\*.gif SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\docs\examples" File docs\examples\*.spy docs\examples\*.spi docs\examples\*.tmpl docs\examples\*.py docs\examples\*.gif SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\docs\inc" File docs\inc\*.spi SetOutPath - ; compile documentation !ifdef COMPILE DetailPrint "Compile Spyce documentation." ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\run_spyceCmd.py" "-O" "$INSTDIR\docs\*.spy"` !endif SectionEnd SectionDivider "Options" Section "Create start menu shortcuts" CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}\Spyce Documentation.lnk" "$INSTDIR\docs\index.html" "" "$INSTDIR\spyce.ico" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}\Spyce Documentation -- localhost.lnk" "http://localhost/spyce/" "" "" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}\Spyce Online.lnk" "http://spyce.sf.net/" "" "" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}\Spyce Examples.lnk" "$INSTDIR\docs\examples" "" "$INSTDIR\spyce.ico" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}\Uninstall Spyce.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0 SectionEnd Section "Create shell extensions" WriteRegStr HKCR ".spy" "" "SpyceFile" WriteRegStr HKCR "SpyceFile" "" "Spyce dynamic HTML file" WriteRegStr HKCR "SpyceFile\DefaultIcon" "" $INSTDIR\spyce.ico,0 WriteRegStr HKCR "SpyceFile\shell\open\command" "" 'notepad.exe "%1"' WriteRegStr HKCR "SpyceFile\shell\compile" "" "Compile Spyce" WriteRegStr HKCR "SpyceFile\shell\compile\command" "" '"$9" "$INSTDIR\run_spyceCmd.py" -O "%1"' WriteRegStr HKCR "SpyceFile\shell" "" "compile" SectionEnd Section "Configure Apache" DetailPrint "Configuring Apache..." ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--apache=$INSTDIR"` ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--apacheRestart"` MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$\nApache reconfigured and restarted.$\nIf everything is ok, you should be able to browse to: http://localhost/spyce/$\nIf not, please check your httpd.conf file and/or restart Apache." SectionEnd Section "Uninstall" ReadRegStr $9 HKLM ${REG_PYTHONLOC} "python" DetailPrint "Unconfiguring Apache..." ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--apacheUN"` ExecWait `"$9" "$INSTDIR\installHelper.py" "--apacheRestart"` RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}" DeleteRegKey HKLM ${REG_UNINST} DeleteRegKey HKLM ${REG_PROG} DeleteRegKey HKCR ".spy" DeleteRegKey HKCR "SpyceFile" SectionEnd ;##################################### ;FUNCTIONS Function detectPython ; see if there is any python interpreter ClearErrors ExecShell "open" "${PYTHON}" `-c "print 'Python is alive!'"` SW_SHOWMINIMIZED IfErrors 0 NoAbort MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Unable to find Python interpreter. Please install Python first." Abort NoAbort: ; find out where it is GetTempFileName $9 GetTempFileName $8 FileOpen $7 $9 w FileWrite $7 'import sys$\n' FileWrite $7 "f=open(r'$8', 'w')$\n" FileWrite $7 'f.write(sys.executable)$\n' FileWrite $7 'f.close()$\n' FileClose $7 ExecShell "open" "${PYTHON}" `"$9"` SW_SHOWMINIMIZED IntOp $0 0 + 0 Loop: FileOpen $7 $8 r FileRead $7 $6 FileClose $7 StrCmp $6 "" 0 EndLoop Sleep 100 IntOp $0 $0 + 1 IntCmp $0 50 EndLoop Goto Loop EndLoop: Delete $9 StrCpy $9 "$6" ; put the python path in $9 -- GLOBAL StrCmp $9 "" 0 NoAbort2 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Mechanism for discovering Python path via sys.executable did not work.$\nSorry, but automatic installation is unable to proceed. Please contact the author." Abort NoAbort2: WriteRegStr HKLM ${REG_PYTHONLOC} "python" "$9" FunctionEnd Function .onInit Call detectPython FunctionEnd Function .onInstSuccess DetailPrint "Spyce successfully installed." MessageBox MB_OK "Spyce successfully installed." ExecShell "open" "$INSTDIR\docs\index.html" SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED FunctionEnd Function un.onInit MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Are you sure that you want to uninstall Spyce?" IDYES NoAbort Abort NoAbort: FunctionEnd Function un.onUninstSuccess MessageBox MB_OK "Spyce successfully uninstalled." FunctionEnd