PYTHON := $(shell which python) SPYCE_VERSION = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "import spyce; print spyce.__version__") SPYCE_RELEASE = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "import spyce; print spyce.__release__") SRC := $(wildcard *.py) $(wildcard modules/*.py) $(wildcard tags/*.py) OTHER := CHANGES LICENCE README THANKS spyceApache.conf spyce.mime DOC_SRC := $(wildcard docs/*.spy) docs/*.gif docs/examples/*.gif DOC = $(wildcard docs/*.html) docs/*.gif EXAMPLES := $(wildcard docs/examples/*.spy) $(wildcard docs/examples/*.spi) $(wildcard docs/examples/*.tmpl) $(wildcard docs/examples/*.py) $(wildcard docs/examples/*.gif) SFUSER := batripler SFCVSanon := SFCVSdev := :ext:$(SFUSER) SFCVS := $(SFCVSdev) SF_SPYCE_DIR := /home/groups/s/sp/spyce ssh := ssh -1 -x scp := scp -o Protocol=1 COMPILED = $( $( # install paths DESTDIR := / INSTALL_ROOT := $(DESTDIR) INSTALL_CODE := $(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share RPMROOT := /home/barr/misc/rpm .PHONY: all compile clean remake tgz rpm www all: compile docs # make this a dependency every time you use $PYTHON or $SPYCE_VERSION versionchk: $(PYTHON) $(PYTHON) touch versionchk clean: versionchk -rm versionchk -rm -f spyce.spec spyce.nsi -rm -f *.pyc modules/*.pyc tags/*.pyc -rm -f *.pyo modules/*.pyo tags/*.pyo -rm -f spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz -rm -f spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).noarch.rpm -rm -f $(RPMROOT)/SOURCES/spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz -rm -f $(RPMROOT)/SRPMS/spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).src.rpm -rm -f $(RPMROOT)/RPMS/noarch/spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).noarch.rpm -rm -rf $(RPMROOT)/BUILD/spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION) -$(MAKE) -C docs clean perm: chmod a+r -R . chmod a+rx . `find . -type d` chmod a+x run_*.py chmod a+x remake: clean all compile: $(COMPILED) # make documentation docs: compile @$(MAKE) -C docs # make source tarball tgz: versionchk @echo "Making clean source tarball: spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz" -rm -rf spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION) cvs -d $(SFCVS) export -d spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION) -D now spyce chmod a+r -R spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION) chmod a+x `find spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION) -type d` chmod a+x spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)/run_*.py spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)/ chmod a+x spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)/ spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)/ # process so that we can just use .tgz to make .exe installer cd spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION); make spyce.nsi; rm -f *.pyc *.pyo; cd .. tar --totals -czf spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION) rm -rf spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION) # make rpm rpm: versionchk tgz spyce.spec cp spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz $(RPMROOT)/SOURCES rpmbuild -ba spyce.spec cp $(RPMROOT)/RPMS/noarch/spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).noarch.rpm . # install Spyce (used for manual install and by rpm scripts) install: compile docs @echo "Installing Spyce python module in: $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce" @for f in `find . -type d`; do \ mkdir -p $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce/$$f; \ chmod a+rx $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce/$$f; \ done @for f in $(SRC) $(COMPILED) $(OTHER) $(DOC) $(EXAMPLES); do \ install -m 644 $$f $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce/$$f; \ done @chmod a+rx $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce/run_*.py $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce/ @chmod a+rx $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce/ $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce/ # uninstall Spyce (used for manual install and by rpm scripts) uninstall: @echo "Removing main Spyce directory: $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce" @-rm -rf $(INSTALL_CODE)/spyce # generate python compiled (bytecode) files $(COMPILED): $(SRC) $(PYTHON) -c "exec '''import py_compile,string,os\nfor i in string.split('$+', ' '):\n print 'Compiling .pyc: '+i; py_compile.compile(i)\n'''" $(PYTHON) -OO -c "exec '''import py_compile,string,os\nfor i in string.split('$+', ' '):\n print 'Compiling .pyo: '+i; py_compile.compile(i)\n'''" chmod a+r $(COMPILED) %.pyc: versionchk $(PYTHON) -c "import py_compile; py_compile.compile('$<')" chmod a+r $< %.pyo: versionchk $(PYTHON) -O -c "import py_compile; py_compile.compile('$<')" chmod a+r $< spyce.spec: cat | sed "s/__VERSION__/${SPYCE_VERSION}/" | sed "s/__RELEASE__/${SPYCE_RELEASE}/" > spyce.spec spyce.nsi: cat | sed "s/__VERSION__/${SPYCE_VERSION}/" | sed "s/__RELEASE__/${SPYCE_RELEASE}/" > spyce.nsi # update sourceforge sf: clean tgz compile -rm -r www mkdir www; mkdir www/htdocs; mkdir www/htdocs/examples; mkdir www/cgi-bin; mkdir www/cgi-bin/eg # docs @$(MAKE) -C docs sf cp docs/*.html docs/*.gif docs/*.ico www/htdocs # examples cp docs/examples/*.spy docs/examples/*.spi docs/examples/*.tmpl www/htdocs/examples # exec cp spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz www cd www; tar -xzf spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz; mv spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION) spyce; rm spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz; cd spyce; make compile; cd ../.. # cgi cp docs/examples/*.spy docs/examples/*.spi docs/examples/*.py docs/examples/*.tmpl docs/examples/*.gif www/cgi-bin/eg cd www; for f in cgi-bin/eg/*.spy; do spyce/misc/ $$f '#!/usr/bin/python ../../spyce/'; done; cd .. # package it all up tar -czvf www.tgz www/ -rm -r www # send it over $(scp) www.tgz $(SFUSER) -rm www.tgz make clean # unpackage it there $(ssh) $(SFUSER) 'tar -xzf www.tgz; rm www.tgz; cd www; chmod -R a+r .; chmod a+x `find . -type d`; chmod a+x cgi-bin/eg/*.spy; cd spyce; make perm; cd ../..; chown -R :spyce www; chmod -R g+rw .; chmod g+x `find www -type d`' # out with the old and in with the new $(ssh) $(SFUSER) 'pushd $(SF_SPYCE_DIR); rm -rf cgi-bin htdocs spyce; popd; mv www/* $(SF_SPYCE_DIR); rmdir www' sfcontrib: # contribs python -O contrib/*.spy $(scp) -r contrib $(SFUSER)$(SF_SPYCE_DIR)/htdocs # upload files to sourceforge file release system upload: versionchk rpm ncftpput incoming spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).tgz spyce-$(SPYCE_VERSION)-$(SPYCE_RELEASE).noarch.rpm make clean