User Management Interface

The password protected User Administration page for WebServer contains a data area and a menu bar. The data area may contain documentation, but it may also contain a data entry pane. Selecting User Configuration menu items in the menu bar accesses the User Management data entry panes.

Data-entry panes have two operation buttons: OK and Cancel.

    • The OK button affects any changes entered by the user and then displays a confirmation message.
    • The Cancel button indicates that an action was cancelled.

All user configuration menu options call up active server pages (".asp" files) that call GoAhead WebServer GoForm functions.

Add User

The Add User option calls up the URL, "adduser.asp". This Add User data entry pane contains these fields:

Name - enter the ID of the user in this text field
Group - select a user group from this list for the user
Enabled -ensure that the Check box is checked to enable the user
Password - secure text field (displays asterisks)
Confirm Password - secure text field

Delete User

The Delete User option calls up the URL, "deleteuser.asp". The Delete User data entry pane provides this field:

Name - Select from this list the user to be deleted

Pressing the OK button deletes the selected user and the list of existing users is updated.

Add Group

The Add Group option calls up the URL, "addgroup.asp". The Add Group data entry pane contains these fields:

Name - enter the name of the group in this text field.
Privileges - select privileges from this list to assign to the group
Access Method - select the default access method from this list to assign to the group
Enabled - ensure that the Check box is selected to enable the user group

Delete Group

The Delete Group option calls up the URL, "deletegroup.asp". The Delete Group data-entry pane provides this field:

Name - use the provided list to select a user group for deletion

Pressing the OK button deletes the selected user group then updates the user group list.

Add Access Limit

The Add Access Limit option calls up the URL, "addlimit.asp". The Add Access Limit data entry pane box provides the following fields:

URL - enter the URL path to the page or the directory in this text field
Access Method - select the default access method from this list to assign to the group
Privileges - select the group (optional) to assign to the URL
Secure - select this check box if you require data encryption for this URL

Delete Access Limit

The Delete Access Limit option calls up the URL, "deletelimit.asp". The Delete Group data entry pane provides this field:

URL - select an access limit for the given URL to be deleted.

Pressing the OK button deletes the selected URL then updates the list of existing access limits.

Restore the User Configuration

This menu option calls up the URL, "restoreconfig.asp". The Restore User Configuration data entry pane contains no data fields. Pressing the OK button replaces the current User Management configuration with the user configuration data previously saved. If no data has been saved, then the user configuration data will be deleted. Data is persisted to the file named "umconfig.txt".

Save the User Configuration

This menu option calls up the URL, "restoreconfig.asp". The Restore User Configuration data entry pane contains no data fields. Pressing the OK button replaces the current User Management configuration with the user configuration data previously saved. If no data has been saved, then the user configuration data will be deleted. Data is persisted to the file named "umconfig.txt".