Editing the User Configuration FileThe data for User Management configuration is stored by default in a file called "umconfig.txt". Although it is not recommended, you can use a text editor to modify this file; however, you should use the User Management C function set of the Web Server application, or the web-based user interface supplied as an example, for manipulating the user configuration data. The Key-Value PairData is stored in the text file as Key-Value pairs with the following format: KEY=VALUE Where KEY is the name of the data element, and VALUE is the data for the data element. Each Key-Value pair is on its own line, and contains an equals-sign character ("=") to separate the key and the value. The TABLE DirectiveThe TABLE key-value pair indicates a new data table. The value for TABLE is the table name. All data in the text file following the TABLE directive pertains to the table defined in the table name, until either another TABLE directive or the end of the file is found. The ROW DirectiveThe ROW key-value pair indicates the beginning of row data for a new data record. The value for ROW is the row number, although these are not used by the database. All data in the text file following the ROW directive pertains to the new row that is created by the ROW directive, until either another ROW directive or the end of the file is found. Raw User Configuration Data ExampleTABLE=users ROW=0 name=admin password=KZasF group=administrators prot=0 disable=0 ROW=1 name=user password=qwerty group=users prot=0 disable=0 TABLE=groups ROW=0 name=administrators priv=4 method=3 prot=0 disable=0 ROW=1 name=users priv=1 method=1 prot=0 disable=0 TABLE=access ROW=0 name=/adduser.asp method=3 secure=0 group=administrators