umAddAccessLimitGoAhead WebServer APIGoAhead EMF


Add an access limit to the User Management database in the Access Limit table.


 #include "um.h" 

 int umAddAccessLimit(char_t * url, 
     accessMeth_t am, 
     short secure, 
     char_t * group);


urlURL name
am access method
securesecurity flag (reserved for future use)
groupuser group to use


Access method can be one of:
AM_NONE - URL may not be accessed
AM_FULL - no authorization is required for the URL
AM_BASIC - URL requires at least basic authentication,
AM_DIGEST - URL requires at least digest authentication,
AM_INVALID - not a valid access method

Access limits apply to URLs, upon which they are keyed. URLs can specify directories or filenames. If an access limit specifies a user group, then only members of that user group can have access to the URL.

Return Value

umAddAccessLimit returns 0 if successful or -1 on error.


int nCheck = umAddAccessLimit(T("/cgi-bin"), AM_DIGEST, 0, T("users"));

See Also
