# C-Pluff examples build system for MSVC # Copyright 2007 Johannes Lehtinen # This file is free software; Johannes Lehtinen gives unlimited permission # to copy, distribute and modify it. TOP = ..\..\.. include ..\..\..\common.nmake pluginsdir = $(bindir)\cpfile\plugins plugindir = $(pluginsdir)\core libcore_OBJS = core.obj all-local: libcore.dll install-local: all-local if not exist $(plugindir) mkdir $(plugindir) for %f in (plugin.xml classifiers.xsd libcore.dll) do copy /y %f $(plugindir) clean-local: for %f in ($(libcore_OBJS) libcore.*) do if exist %f del %f libcore.dll: $(libcore_OBJS) cl /nologo /LD /MD /Fe$@ $(libcore_OBJS) $(cplibdir)\libcpluff.lib