INSTALLING C-PLUFF ================== These are instructions for building and installing the C-Pluff framework implementation using the source code distribution. Precompiled binaries are available for some platforms at the download page For help on building C-Pluff based applications, see the examples in the examples directory. Prerequisites ------------- To build C-Pluff, you need to have following prerequisites installed: - a C library supporting POSIX dlopen (for example, GNU C library) or GNU Libtool libltdl library ( - Expat XML Parser library for C ( Following components are optional and are used if they are installed: - GNU gettext libintl library for localization ( - GNU Readline Library for enhanced command line ( Building -------- To build C-Pluff, follow the usual autotools procedure: Building in the source directory: ./configure make Building in a separate build directory: cd BUILD_DIR SOURCE_DIR/configure make You can specify the installation prefix (for example, /usr or /usr/local) when running the configure script. ./configure --prefix=/usr The default installation prefix is /usr/local. More help on available configuration options is available using the --help option. ./configure --help Installation ------------ You can install the library, header files, utilities, documentation and examples by making target install: make install If installing to system directories you have to do this as root. Additionally, you can specify a directory to be used in place of the root directory during installation. This is typically used to create binary packages. make DESTDIR=/tmp/installation install Known good build platforms -------------------------- C-Pluff is known to compile cleanly on following combinations: - Native Linux build - GCC 4.1.2 - GNU C library 2.3.6 - Expat 1.95.8 - Cross compilation for Windows on Linux - MinGW Runtime 3.9 - MinGW binutils 2.16.91 - MinGW 3.4.5 - Expat 2.0.0 (or 1.95.8 or 1.95.1) - GNU Libtool libltdl 1.5.22 - GNU Gettext 0.16.1 (or 0.14.4)